domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Practical Ireland Travel Tips

  • Rent a car! Otherwise you can travel in Ireland by coach. This is okay if you are unable to drive, but if you have the ability rent a car to see the countryside and meet the people on your schedule.
  • If you want to spend some days in Dublin, try AirBnB as an alternative accommodation. It can be even cheaper than even a traditional Irish Bed and Breakfast but still the same intimate experience with local expertise.
  • Add at least a 1/3 more time to travel estimates between point A and point B. The roads are small. There will be many stops between for pictures. And you may enjoy a wrong turn or two.
  • Bring a good pair of walking shoes. It will be really tempting to (and you should) get out of the car and explore the countryside.
  • The Trip Advisor Forum is very active and helpful when planning your trip. Take a look at Trip Advisor’s reviews of accommodations and attractions. You can drop the highest and lowest review to get more accurate evaluation.
  • Contact to the locals—they have the best advice and it’s always great experiencing Ireland up close.
  • Get lost. :-), taking a wrong turn in Ireland can lead to some of the best undiscovered small towns. It also gives you an excuse to stop to talk to people for directions or advices.
  • Don’t try to see the whole country in a week. Pick a couple or three of places and really explore!